New nutritional studies are bad news for those of us with a sweet tooth. We all know that sugar can wreak havoc on our waistlines, but did you know that sugar can also age you? Once we’ve consumed a naughty (delicious) sugary treat, a process called glycation takes place in our bodies. During glycation sugars bind to proteins in the cells and one of the most susceptible proteins is in our collagen. As this binding happens, our resilient collagen becomes brittle and the end result is wrinkles. While there are many ways to address wrinkles after the fact (Botox, Fraxel™ and Dermal Fillers to name a few), a little prevention can also go a long way.
Considering that sugar consumption has tripled in the past 50 years, cutting back is undeniably a good idea. In fact some health officials propose that sugar should be identified as a health danger like alcohol and tobacco… Mayor Bloomberg himself has a proposed portion cap (16 oz.) on sugary beverages in New York City.